Monday, August 24, 2009

slept for 2 hours only.

It was a busy week. there are more coming in very soon. first of all on friday, after work my president called me said there's a meeting. I was like omg I thought the meeting has canceled. After that, I just found that it was just a wrong info. Then I rushed back and had a quick dinner and went for meeting. After meeting already late in the night. When i reached home I arranged on some stuff then only got to bed. On the next day went to work again. And again after work there's a call asking me to go repair computer in petaling jaya. Thus, after work i rushed to PJ and i finished everything at about 3sth then i went to my uncle's place to stay one night. I slept at about 4sth and woke up at 6sth to take bus back to cyber again. After reaching cyber, I had a quick bath and rush to work again. It was very very tiring day. After work we went for movie some more. I I am really tired of having this kind of life. I want to revert back to a normal life. Please.. I need a short break. I am not a robot.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

never look at the back!

Me and two my of classmates were having dinner one day. After dinner, my "sista" suddenly said that I realize that you have said a lot of good things but in the past. Till then i just realized that I have been living in the past. Thanks sis for reminding me. I will wake up as soon as possible. =)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i missed it.

People always say shouldn't look at the back. However, I always miss myself in the past. I was a strong man if were to compare to know. I never think I should be as good as the past. At least as spiritual as the past. After falling please stand up. Don't think how pain it is. Just go forward and miracles will be awaiting us. Stay STRONG!!! KNOCKED OUT the "enemies"..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What is going on?

I have no idea what have i done. Really had some bad time recently. First of all, quarrel with mum. Then get unexpected terrible result. also being deducted mark for my tutorial. Worst my samsung omnia fail to start up after the firmware upgraded. I don't like this environment. seems like being controlled unwillingly. I hate staying in this environment. Hopefully everything will be fine soon. Last but not least, happy birthday to yueh ming.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

happiest day

Previously I did a very big mistake and on the following day I came back to cyberjaya because I don't have the courage to face my mum. When i reached cyberjaya i really missed my mum so much. who knows she text-ed me and asked "when are you going to finish your business?" Actually before coming back to cyberjaya I told her that I am going to find some solutions on my tutorial. So she forgave me during the text-ing. So I decided to come back to bahau again on the second day. Though tiring i don't mind. In addition i need to get back cyberjaya on the next day also. when i reached Bahau my mum came and picked me up from the bus stop. When i got on the car. I kissed her and told her I love her so much. Then I saw tears swinging around her eyes. I was so happy that she forgave me. I told her I was sorry because I couldn't control myself on that day. On that day I was doing some editing on my friend's assignment and I got stuck on some parts. I was very pek cek on that time so i got impatient and replied in a very impatient way. Anyway really thank you mum.. I love you so much mum.. muacks..

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


While i was having my dinner.. my mum suddenly asked me a question "will you bring me into your house in future?" then i said i will then she asked me "what if your wife doesn't allow" then i started to stun. I hate people questioning about my future wife cause I don't even have a gf. Yet I have failed many times in relationship. So I just answered " look, i really cannot guarantee you what my wife will look like and i don't have a gf yet." I have no idea why i will speak out like tat. I HATE myself. I have never said something to cause her cry for quite some time. Why? can anyone tell me why? why will I be like that? I am not supposed to be. Though i really hope to have a gf and i don't want others to question me about my future gf. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrarrrrrrrrrrrrrrraskldjfl;kasdhfia['wejfgasfj;iupgaeo0[pl;kmjnhgeoa;koqwreakjbo
my complicating feeling!!!


Sunday, August 02, 2009

flow chat

Saturday, August 01, 2009
