Wednesday, March 04, 2009

hard time passed?

the hard rock is broken?
well i just gone through many of the hard times.
i have no idea whether I am getting used to those or in a turning point which turn to another condition.
well, i hope everything (bad(S)) has already ended.
I wish to reconstruct everything.
trying not to look back.
let the past to be the past.
look on the future with hope.
I should appreciate with everything I am having.
though i am really angry to those who have gossiped and brought me down.
I will not think of taking any revenge.
I will not continue stepping into the trap as well.
I will not tell others how I was being gossiped and brought down.
I will not allow these to occur in my life.


Sheau Jia said...

so must jia you lo!!!

Ying Yan said...

thanks a lot..
cross my hands to hope so..